C3 – Total water use in the Republic of Armenia

Key messages

During 2000-2022, the total consumption of freshwater increased more than twice: (in 2000: 1046 m3, in 2022: 2422.3 m3). In 2022, agriculture, forestry and fishing accounted for 87% of freshwater use. 
On average, about 26% of freshwater abstractions are considered to be transit losses. In 2022, losses amounted to 21.1%, with a downward trend.
During 2011-2022, the GDP increased (respectively, in 2011: 27.98 billion USD and in 2022: 44.65 billion USD).
Freshwater use in 2022 Freshwater use per USD 1000 of GDP was 54.3 million m3.


Year Transit water losses (million m3) Total use of fresh water (million m3)
2011 700 1738
2012 754 2187
2013 866 2089
2014 747 2113
2015 739 2533
2016 712 2470
2017 825 2040
2018 788 1927
2019 742 2124
2020 654 2176
2021 710 2257
2022 650 2422

Figure 1 - Freshwater use in the Republic of Armenia (2011-2022)

Data resources:

(C2) Freshwater abstraction (surface and groundwater) by indicators and years, Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia (ArmStatBank)

(C3) Water use by NACE and years, Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia (ArmStatBank)

(C7) Water losses by NACE and years, Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia (ArmStatBank)

Year Agriculture, forestry, fish farming, (million m3) Household, (million m3) Other activities, (million m3) Manufacturing, Energy, (million m3)
2011 1368 165 102 48
2012 1793 148 57 37
2013 1846 113 45 26
2014 1748 148 46 32
2015 2270 119 28 28
2016 2192 123 47 27
2017 1752 132 34 35
2018 1554 238 5 46
2019 1824 189 2 27
2020 1751 288 9 43
2021 1949 206 2 46
2022 2113 209 4 46

Figure 2 – Water use by types of economic activity in the Republic of Armenia (2011-2022)

Data resources:

(C3) Water use by NACE and years, Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia (ArmStatBank)

Agriculture, forestry, fish farming, (million m3)
(ISIC 01-03)
Domestic producers, (million m3)
Other activities, (million m3) 2,4
Manufacturing, (million m3)  (ISIC 10-33) 29.0
Energy, (million m3) (ISIC 35) 16,8

Figure 3 – Water use by types of economic activity in the Republic of Armenia (2022)

Data sources:

(C3) Water use by NACE and years, Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia (ArmStatBank)

Armenia is a country with minimal water demand and seasonal stresses (the water exploitation index was 77% in 2022). Although the balance of renewable freshwater resources does not directly indicate water deficit, high levels of water abstraction and water use in separate years in various sectors of economic activity, particularly in agriculture, exert great pressure on the country's renewable freshwater resources (UNECE, 2000).
On average, 84.9% of total freshwater use falls on agriculture, forestry and fishing, more than 64.2% of agriculture falls on irrigation.
Although a certain increase in water losses was recorded in 2000-2017 (758.9 million m3 in 2000 and 825.4 million m3 in 2017), but in 2018-2022 a decrease in water losses is observed (788 million m3 in 2018 and 649.5 million m3 in 2022).
In 2000, the annual use of freshwater was about 2550 million m3, and in 2022 it decreased to 2422.3 million m3. Large volumes of water abstraction and consumption, especially in the agricultural sector, led to sectoral water stresses and caused environmental problems.
Due to the excessive use of Lake Sevan waters, the lake level decreased by more than 19 m, the volume decreased from 55.8 billion m3 to 38 billion m3, and the surface area of the lake decreased by more than 140 km2 (Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia (ArmStatBank)).

Year GDP at purchasing power parity (PPP, 2017)*, mln. $ Water use per unit of GDP at purchasing power parity (PPP, 2017), kg/$1000
2011 27975.1 62.1
2012 29989.3 72.9
2013 30979.0 67.4
2014 32094.2 65.8
2015 33121.2 76.5
2016 33187.5 74.4
2017 35677.5 57.2
2018 37531.7 51.3
2019 40384.1 52.6
2020 37314.9 58.3
2021 39527.2 57.1

Figure 4 - Freshwater use per unit of GDP based on purchasing power parity in the Republic of Armenia (2011-2022)

Data resources:

C 3 -Water use by NACE and years, Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia (ArmStatBank)

Gross Domestic Products, provided by World Bank

Taking into consideration, that all sectors of the economy are highly dependent on water resources, the efficiency of water resources management is very important. Water use in the economy is characterized by its share in the formation of GDP.

Definition of the indicator

The indicator describes the use of freshwater in various sectors of the economy. It characterizes the state of demand for water.
The indicator is presented for the entire country and by economic sectors, per unit of GDP, as well as per value added and generated during the year.

Unit of measurement

Water use volumes are measured in million cubic meters (mil. m3), per unit of GDP (in constant 2017 prices, calculated in US dollars, data taken from the World Bank website).


Rationale for the selection of the indicator

The indicator characterizes freshwater use, as well as the pressure on renewable water resources and the environment as a whole.

Scientific references:

Environment and Natural Resources in the Republic of Armenia for 2021, Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia

Environmental economic accounts, Water Accounts, Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia (ArmStatBank)

UNECE, 2000. Environmental Performance Review-Armenia. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Committee on Environmental Policy, Environmental Performance Reviews Series No. 10, ISBN 92-1-116775-2, New York.

UNECE, 2018. Guidelines for the Application of Environmental Indicators, Description of C3: Total water use.

UNECE, 2018. Guidelines for the Application of Environmental Indicators, Glossary of terms – C3: Total water use.

Context description

National policy context

The Water Code of the Republic of Armenia (adopted on 4 June, 2002) is the main legislative document that defines and regulates the main concepts and relations of water management. The Water Code regulates issues related to the protection, use and management of water resources and systems, as well as defines the principles and forms of private sector involvement.

The National Water Policy of the Republic of Armenia (adopted on 3 May , 2005) is the framework of the strategy for the use and protection of water resources and water systems. The purpose of this law is to ensure the availability of water resources of the quantity, regime and quality necessary for human well-being, the development of the socio-economic system of the republic, and for meeting economic and ecological needs in the present and in the future.
The National Water Program (adopted on 27 November, 2006) regulates the relations related to the definition and implementation of the National Water Program of the Republic of Armenia, including assessments of the national water reserve, strategic water reserve, usable water resources, supply and demand for water, the main problems and prospects for the preservation and development of the water sector, measures for the implementation of the National Water Program, based on the fact that water is limited, is one of the main means for the preservation of human life and health, fauna and flora, and the prerequisites for ensuring its availability.
The purpose of the law is to meet the needs of the population and the economy through the effective management of usable water resources, ensure the ecological stability of the environment, establish and use strategic water resources, protect national water resources, and define measures aimed at solving the problems of the Water Code of the Republic of Armenia and the RA Law "On the Fundamentals of National Water Policy".

International policy context

In 2018, Armenia presented its first Voluntary National Review (VNR) on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the UN High-Level Political Forum.
The VNR presents the progress and experience achieved by Armenia so far in the process of nationalization and implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. It also aims to provide and address the political, legal, practical and behavioural benefits, as well as the obstacles and challenges regarding the implementation of the SDGs. Undoubtedly, this process has a cross-sectoral and large-scale nature, and is likely to extend beyond 2030 and will require concerted efforts and commitments at both national and international levels.


National targets

No specific national target has been identified.

International targets

UN SDG 6, target 6.4  By 2030 to substantially increase water-use efficiency across all sectors and ensure sustainable abstraction and supply of freshwater to address water scarcity and substantially reduce the number of people suffering from water scarcity.

Policy-related documents

Republic of Armenia Water Code (adopted on 4 June, 2002).
Republic of Armenia Law on the National Water Programme (adopted on 27 November, 2006).
Republic of Armenia Law on Fundamentals of the National Water Policy (adopted on 3 May, 2005).
SDG Implementation Voluntary National Review – Armenia. United Nations (2018).
Report for the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.
Sustainable Development Goals. UN (2016). Sustainable development goals, the sustainable development agenda.

Methodology for indicator calculation

Units and equations

ID Component Units Equation
C2.3 Freshwater abstracted million m3/year = C 2.3 (see indicator C2)
C3.1 Desalinated water million m3/year  
C3.2 Reused water million m3/year  
C3.3 Imports of water million m3/year  
C3.4 Exports of water million m3/year  
C3.5 Available freshwater million m3/year = C 2.3 + C 3.1 + C 3.2 + C 3.3 + C 3.4
C3.6 Losses of water during transport  million m3/year  
C3.6a Other losses and water not for use million m3/year  
C3.7 Total freshwater use million m3/year = C 3.5 - C 3.6 - C 3.6a;


= C3.8 + C3.9 + C3.11 + C3.12 + C3.13

C3.8 Households million m3/year  
C3.9 Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC 01-03) million m3/year  
C3.10   of which used for irrigation in agriculture million m3/year  
C3.11 Manufacturing (ISIC 10-33) million m3/year  
C3.12 Electricity industry (ISIC 351) million m3/year  
C3.13 Other economic activities million m3/year  
C3.14 GDP at PPP at constant prices (2017) billion international dollars/year  
C3.15 Total freshwater use per unit of GDP m3/1 000 international dollars = C3.7/C3.14


Gap-filling methodology

The interpolation method was used for the theoretical assessment of water abstraction by sectors.
When calculating the irrigation water use index, the data on irrigated areas and average irrigation rates are used.
The average coefficient of water abstraction for irrigated areas and irrigation is widely used when calculating irrigation use.

Methodology references

EEA, 2005. EEA core set of indicators guide. EEA Technical report No 1/2005, ISBN 92-9167-757-4, Luxembourg.

UNECE, 2018. Guidelines for the Application of Environmental Indicators, Data template – C3: Total water use.

UNECE, 2018. Guidelines for the Application of Environmental Indicators, Description of C3: Total water use.

UNECE, 2018. Guidelines for the Application of Environmental Indicators, Glossary of terms – C3: Total water use.

UNSD and UNEP, 2013. Questionnaire 2013 on Environment Statistics. United Nations Statistics Division and United Nations Environment Programme, Questionnaire 2013 on Environment Statistics, Section Water.

Methodological uncertainties

No methodological uncertainty has been specified.

Data uncertainties

From 1990 to 2011, the UNSD Questionnaire on Environment Statistics methodology was used to calculate the indicators, and from 2011, the UNECE Methodology for Environmental Indicators Calculation was used. These cause a large gaps, discrepancies, and incomparability in the time series, particularly in the water supply and irrigation sectors. 

Clarification of uncertainties

No uncertainties were identified.

Environment and Natural Resources in the Republic of Armenia for 2021,
Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia (Armstat)

Gross Domestic Products provided by World Bank

 Environmental economic accounts, Water Accounts ,provided by ArmStatBank


Topic: Water

Indicator code: C3

Tags: Water use, water exploitation index, Armenia

Time period: 2011-2022

DPSIR: pressure

Type: descriptive indicator (class A – what is happening to the environment and people)

Publication date/ Last modified: 24/06/2024

Frequency of updates: every year

Contact and responsible

Contact persons: Naira Mandalyan, Gohar Harutyunyan, Ruzanna Safaryan

Responsible: Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia (ArmStatBank)

Short-term work
Further development of the system of environmental-economic accounts for the water of the Republic of Armenia.

Long-term work
Development of the ecoportal.