State and academic institutions involved in collection, storage and processing of data on Lake Sevan and/or Lake Sevan basin are presented below.

State institutions

The Water Resources Management Department collects the applications for water use permits and the data of the provided WUPs, approves the threshold limit values for water resources, the amount of water abstraction, the ecological minimum discharges and the qualitative and quantitative standards of the permissible limit discharge of waste water, as well as manages the state cadastre of the water resources.

Contact information:

  • Head of department
  • Address: Republic Square, Government House 3, Yerevan
  • Tel.: (+374 11) 818-546
  • E-mail:

The Department of Waste and Atmospheric Emissions Management maintains the state cadastre and registers of waste management, collects data on ozone-depleting substances, waste and atmospheric emissions permits, licenses, quantities in the Lake Sevan basin.

Contact information:

  • Head of department
  • Address: Republic Square, Government House 3, Yerevan
  • Tel.: (+374 11) 818-531
  • E-mail:

The Department of Biological Resources Management maintains the cadastre of wild fauna and flora, hunting farms, collects data on licenses, permits, contracts and quantities in the field of fauna and flora use in the Sevan Lake basin.

Contact information:

  • Head of department
  • Address: Republic Square, Government House 3, Yerevan
  • Tel.: (+374 11) 818-530
  • E-mail:

The Department of Specially Protected Areas of Nature and Biodiversity Policy manages the Red Book of Plants and Animals of the Republic of Armenia, collects data on extinct and endangered species of flora and fauna in the Lake Sevan basin.

Contact information:

  • Head of department
  • Address: Republic Square, Government House 3, Yerevan
  • Tel.: (+374 11) 818-514
  • E-mail:

"Sevan National Park" SNCO collects microbiological and hydro-chemical monitoring data on the Lake Sevan and main rivers flowing into the lake (as required, but not regularly).

Contact information:

"Hydrometeorology and Monitoring Center" SNCO collects data on monitoring of hydrometeorological elements in the Lake Sevan and Lake Sevan basin, quantitative and qualitative monitoring data on the surface and underground water, climate, climate change and impact on Lake Sevan ecosystem.

Contact information:

Collects data on water infrastructure and water user associations in the Lake Sevan basin.

Contact information:

  • Chairman of the Committee
  • Address: 13a Vardanants St, Yerevan
  • Tel.: (+374 10) 547-283
  • Web-page:

Collects data on actual water abstraction and wastewater discharges, actual atmospheric emissions and waste disposal in the Lake Sevan and Lake Sevan Basin.

Contact information:

Collects demographic data of communities, cities, villages of Lake Sevan basin.

Contact information:

  • Chairman of the Committee
  • Address: Republic Square, Government House 3, Yerevan
  • Tel.: (+374 11) 524-213
  • Web-page:

Academic institutions

Collects data on the volumes of fish by species available for industrial fishing from the Lake Sevan.

Contact information:

Collects in-situ monitoring and remote sensing data in the frame of various research projects on Lake Sevan.

Contact information:

Collects geological and geomorphological data on the Lake Sevan and Lake Sevan basin.

Contact information:

Collects datastes on the Sevan Lake basin in the frame of various scientific research projects

Contact information:

  • Director
  • Address: 40 Marshal Baghramyan Ave., Yerevan
  • Tel.: (+374 60) 612-520; (+374 10) 324-040
  • E-mail:
  • Web-page: