Key messages

The specially protected natural areas of the Republic of Armenia are ecosystems, natural complexes and individual objects representing environmental, economic, social, scientific, educational, historical-cultural, aesthetic, health, recreational value.
As of 2022, the total area of ​​the specially protected natural areas of the Republic of Armenia was 383.1 thousand. ha, which is 12.9% of the total surface of the country.


Armenia has made significant progress in the strategy, conservation and use of specially protected natural areas.
In 2022, compared to 2008, the total area of ​​the specially protected natural areas of the Republic of Armenia increased by about 92.1 thousand. with ha.


Figure 1: The special nature protected areas of RA by years

Data sources

Data provided by the Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia: (D1) Main indicators of specially protected areas by categories and years



Figure 2: The share of specially protected nature areas in relation to the territory of the Republic of Armenia in 2022. as of

Data sources

Data provided by the Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia: (D1) Main indicators of specially protected areas by categories and years

In the conservation and restoration of nature, natural resources play a key role, as they contribute to reducing anthropogenic impact on the environment, ensuring ecological balance, and preserving biological and landscape diversity. The importance and necessity of BMPs in the preservation of biodiversity is established by Article 8 of the Convention on Biological Diversity, according to which each country is obliged to create a system of BMPs and ensure its regular operation.
Biodiversity representation is more important in SMPs, because the loss of every species of flora or fauna can be essential for ensuring the balance of ecosystems, human health and sustainable development. Armenia's biodiversity stands out for its richness and diversity. Armenia's geographical location, being at the crossroads of migratory animals and migratory birds' transit routes, the diversity of landscape and altitude zones, and the active processes of speciation have created favorable conditions for the formation of a rich and original biodiversity. More than 4,500 types of fungi, about 9,000 types of inferior and superior plants are registered on the territory of the Republic, with the density of which Armenia occupies one of the leading places in the world, with about 107 species per square kilometer. The fauna is also rich - about 17,500 species of invertebrates and vertebrates. The gene pool contains not only many endemic species, wild relatives of cultivated and domesticated species, but also valuable, useful species, some of which are in a critical state, and a significant part of which is endangered or vulnerable. Biodiversity in Armenia has an important environmental and socio-economic significance, its components have been used for centuries and are still actively used in various spheres of public life: agriculture, food industry, construction, pharmaceuticals, etc.
Armenia is a mountainous country, whose landscapes form a complex, multifunctional system. Due to the geological development and climatic features of the area, semi-desert, steppe, forest, mountain meadow and water landscapes have been formed in Armenia, the characteristic conditions of which have created a great variety of habitats for plant and animal species, unique coexistences, a high level of endemism, as well as rich agro-biodiversity. Therefore, the comprehensive representation of landscape diversity in the protected areas is of strategic importance for the conservation of biodiversity.



Figure 3. Special protected areas of nature by type and years compared to the territory of Armenia (in %)

Data sources

Data provided by the Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia: (D1) Main indicators of specially protected areas by categories and years

Indicator definition

D-1. Specially Protected Nature Areas (SPAs)
This indicator characterizes the land, water and air spaces above them, which are protected by the relevant national legislation.
It includes the surface of the specially protected natural areas of the republic and their share in the total area of ​​the country. Additionally, the index can be broken down by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) special status natural areas or nationally recognized species by protection regime to determine the area and percentage of each.

Unit of measurement

Total area in km2 or hectares and percentage of the country's total area
in the categories of specially protected nature areas (SPAs) recognized at the national level, as well as in the categories of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).


Rationale for indicator selection
This indicator allows to assess the country's response to the degradation of ecosystems and the loss of biodiversity. It characterizes the degree of protection of valuable areas for biodiversity, preservation of cultural heritage, scientific research
(including background monitoring of processes taking place in these areas), for conservation of recreation, natural resources and other valuable components of the environment.

Scientific references

Council of Europe, 2013. Adopted Resolutions on the award and the renewal of the European Diploma of Protected Areas in 2013, Strasbourg, 24 October 2013
Guidelines for Applying Protected Area Management Categories by Nigel Dudley, 2008
Action Plan for Implementing the Program of Work on Protected Areas of the Convention on Biological Diversity Submitted to the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity 15 JUNE 2012 Bioresources Management Agency of the Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia
Status of the Emerald Network of Areas of Special Conservation Interest (ASCI) in 2018
by M. Roekaerts (EUREKO) and O. Opermanis, October 2018

Context description

National policy context

In 2014 Resolution N 1059-A of the Government of the Republic of Armenia dated September 25 "On approving the strategy of the specially protected nature areas of the Republic of Armenia, the state program and measures in the field of conservation and use"

Context of international politics

The "Convention on Biological Diversity" of the United Nations Organization (Rio de Janeiro, 05.06.1992) is aimed at the creation and maintenance of comprehensive, effectively managed and ecologically representative national and regional systems of protected areas.


National targets

In 2006 RA Law N211-N of October 27 "On Special Nature Protected Areas".

In 2014 Resolution N 1059-A of the Government of the Republic of Armenia dated September 25 "On approving the strategy of the specially protected nature areas of the Republic of Armenia, the state program and measures in the field of conservation and use"

In 2007 RA Government Decision No. 1044 of August 30 "On establishing the procedure for organizing and implementing monitoring of specially protected areas of nature"

International targets

2022 The 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity adopted the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), which aims to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030. It contains 23 global targets, each setting out actions to be initiated immediately and completed by 2030. Actions to achieve the specified targets should be carried out consistently and harmoniously in accordance with the "Convention on Biological Diversity" and its Protocols and other relevant international obligations, taking into account national priorities and socio-economic conditions.

Among the important provisions of the 23 targets are:

• Effective conservation and management of at least 30% of the Earth's lands, inland waters, coastal areas and oceans, with an emphasis on areas of particular importance for biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.
• Restoration of at least 30% of terrestrial, inland waters and coastal and marine ecosystems.
• Reducing the loss of biodiversity-critical areas, including ecosystems with ecological integrity.
• Reducing global food waste and its generation.
• Reducing the overall risk posed by biogenic materials, as well as pesticides and highly hazardous chemicals.
• By 2030, phasing out biodiversity-damaging subsidies while increasing positive incentives for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use.
The Global Biodiversity Framework warns: "If these measures are ignored, there will be a further acceleration of the global rate of extinction of biodiversity species, which is already at least tens to hundreds of times higher than the average for the last 10 million years."

Policy documents

• 2030 Targets (with Guidance Notes):
• Action Plan for Implementing the Program of Work on Protected Areas of the Convention on Biological Diversity Submitted to the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity 15 JUNE 2012 Bioresources Management Agency of the Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia
• Convention on Biological Diversity, UN, 1992. June 5
• In 2006 RA Law N211-N of October 27 "On Special Nature Protected Areas".
• In 2014 Resolution N 1059-A of the Government of the Republic of Armenia dated September 25 "On approving the strategy of the specially protected nature areas of the Republic of Armenia, the state program and measures in the field of conservation and use"

Indicator calculation methodology

For this index, it is necessary to have maps of all specially protected natural areas of the republic, indicating their location, surface area, year of creation and type of conservation, in accordance with national legislation and international requirements. For the purpose of cross-country comparisons, specially protected nature areas can also be classified according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Data monitoring and updating should be done annually. The percentage indicator can be calculated by the following formula:

The proportion of protected area (%) = ((total area of ​​protected area in ha or km2)/total area of ​​the country in ha or km2)


Internationally agreed methodology

Conservation distinguishes six categories of management of protected areas, divided into two groups. Fully protected areas are preserved in their natural state and are closed to natural resource extraction. They include objects of category I - nature reserves/natural areas, objects of category II - national parks; Category III objects - natural monuments. Partially protected areas are set aside for specific uses (eg recreational) or to create optimal conditions for certain species or coexistence. They are included in objects of category IV: reserve (areas of special importance for the preservation and restoration of natural complexes or their components, as well as for the preservation of ecological balance) / preservation of habitats and species through active management, objects of category V - terrestrial and marine protected landscapes , and category VI - protected areas using sustainable natural resources. This methodology is increasingly used to classify terrestrial ecosystems, to a lesser extent marine ecosystems and, to a lesser extent, inland water ecosystems. As a rule, inland water ecosystems are grouped according to the classification of terrestrial ecosystems. The methodology for calculating this indicator is not standardized.
In the context of Armenia, the adaptation of specially protected nature areas to the categories of nature conservation areas of the International Union can be formulated as follows:
Khosrov forest, Shikahogh and Erebuni reserves correspond to category I.
Armenia's "Sevan", "Dilijan", "Arpi Lake" and "Arevik" national parks correspond to category II.
232 natural monuments of Armenia correspond to category III.
27 nature reserves of Armenia correspond to category IV.
Categories V and VI are not applicable to Armenia.

Methodology link

In 2006 RA Law N211-N of October 27 "On Special Nature Protected Areas".
Guidelines for Applying Protected Area Management Categories by Nigel Dudley, 2008
EEA core set of indicators, EEA Technical report No. 1/2005, Luxembourg. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
Environmental indicators report 2018
UNECE, 2018. Guidelines for the Application of Environmental Indicators, Data template - D1. Protected areas.
UNECE, 2018. Guidelines for the Application of Environmental Indicators, Description of D1. Protected areas.
UNECE, 2018. Guidelines for the Application of Environmental Indicators, Glossary of terms - D1. Protected areas.

2006 of the Republic of Armenia The law of November 27 "On Specially Protected Areas of Nature" defines the natural development and restoration of specially protected areas of nature as ecological, economic, social, scientific, educational, historical-cultural, aesthetic, health, recreational value ecosystems, natural complexes and individual objects. , the legal basis of the state policy of conservation, reproduction and use.
According to this law, the following concepts are defined:
national park - an area of ​​international and/or republican importance representing environmental, scientific, historical-cultural, aesthetic, recreational values, which, due to the combination of natural landscapes and cultural values, can be used for scientific, educational, recreational, cultural and economic purposes, and for which defined is a special protection regime.
state reserve - an area of ​​international and (or) republican importance endowed with special environmental, aesthetic features, extending scientific, educational, historical and cultural value, where the processes of development of the natural environment proceed without direct human intervention;
natural monument - a natural object of special scientific, historical, cultural and aesthetic value.
state reserve - an area of ​​scientific, educational, historical-cultural, economic value, where the protection and natural reproduction of ecosystems and their components are ensured;
a specially protected natural area of ​​republican significance -  an area where unique ecosystems for the Republic of Armenia and representatives of flora and fauna that are endangered, in a critical condition, vulnerable, on the verge of extinction, as well as included in the Red Book of the Republic of Armenia are found;
a specially protected natural area of ​​international significance -  a specially protected natural area meeting international standards, adopted by international regulations and procedures, where unique ecosystems of international significance are found, their components, and where universal ecological monitoring is carried out.


Uncertainty of methodology

"Specially protected areas of nature" according to the categories of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) cannot be clearly defined, because many protected areas of national importance can be included in several categories defined by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The definition of a specific category of International Union Conservation Areas (IUCN) is possible with a separate expert assessment.

Database uncertainty

The data used to calculate the index have large gaps and inaccuracies in the time series. On the other hand, the data collection procedure is not clear enough. Therefore, the data of this indicator has a large uncertainty.
Reasoning for uncertainty
The indicator does not describe the quality of management and whether areas are protected from incompatible uses. The indicator should be supplemented with information on management effectiveness or funding that would indicate the potential of the area in question to conserve biodiversity.

Reasoning for uncertainty

The indicator does not describe the quality of management and whether areas are protected from incompatible uses. The indicator should be supplemented with information on management effectiveness or funding that would indicate the potential of the area in question to conserve biodiversity.


(D1) Main indicators of specially protected areas by categories and years - Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia
Status of the Emerald Network of Areas of Special Conservation Interest (ASCHI) in 2018, M. Roekaerts (EUREKO) and O. Opermanis, October 2018
Land area (sq. km) database - Armenia, WorldBank, 2019


Topic: Biodiversity and Ecosystems
Indicator code: D1
Tags: Protected areas, Armenia
Period: 1990-2022.
DPSIR: Response
Typology: Descriptive indicator (type A – what is happening to the environment and people)?
Date: 18.12.2023
Publication date:
Last change:
Frequency of updates: Yearly

Contact persons and responsible authority

Contact persons: Naira Mandalyan, Gohar Harutyunyan, Ruzanna Safaryan
Responsible body: Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia, Information Analysis Service of the "Hydrometeorology and Monitoring Center" of the Ministry of Environmental of the Republic of Armenia

"On approving the strategy of specially protected nature areas of the Republic of Armenia, the state program and measures in the field of protection and use" of 2014. Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Armenia N 1059-A of September 25
"Action plan for the implementation of the work program of protected areas" in 2012. June 15
Short term work
2014-2025 of the RA government's decision No. 442-N of March 27, 2014. strategic plan for prospective development
2015 of the Government of the Republic of Armenia. Annex to the protocol decision of the session N 54 of December 10
"Strategy in the fields of protection, reproduction and use of biodiversity of the Republic of Armenia"
Long-term work
2014-2025 of the RA government's decision No. 442-N of March 27, 2014. strategic plan for prospective development