Environmental Conventions |
Date of admission |
Entered into force in Armenia |
Ramsar Convention |
02․02․1971, Ramsar |
06․11․1993 |
«Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage» |
16․11․1972, Paris |
05.12.1993 |
*Convention on biological deversity on biosafety Carthage education |
29.01.2000, Montreal |
30.07.2004 |
«United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change» |
09.05.1992, New York |
21․03․1994 |
* Kyoto protocol |
11․12․1997, Kyoto |
16.02.2005 |
* Doha Amendment - Kyoto Protocol |
08․12․2012, Doha |
31․03․2017 |
* Paris Agreement |
12․12․2015, Paris |
22․04․2017 |
«United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification» |
01․10․1994, Paris |
30․09․1997 |
«Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer» |
22.03.1985, Vienna |
30․12․1999 |
*The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer |
16.09.1987, Montreal |
30.12.1999 |
* The London Amendment of the Montreal Protocol |
27.06.1990, London |
22․10․2003 |
*The Copenhagen Amendment of the Montreal Protocol |
25.11.1992, Copenhagen |
24․02․2004 |
* Beijing Amendment to the Montreal Protocol |
29․11-03․12․1999, Beijin |
01․01․2001 |
* The Montreal Amendment |
15-17․1997, Montreal |
01․01․1999 |
«Basel Convention» |
22.03.1989, Basel |
30.12.1999 |
«Rotterdam Convention» |
10․09․1998, Rotterdam |
22․10․2003 |
Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants |
23.05.2001, Stockholm |
22.10.2003 |
«Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora» |
03.03.1973, Washington |
21.01.2009 |
«Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals» |
23.06.1979, Bonn |
01․03․2011 |
«Minamata Convention on Mercury» |
10.11.2013, Kumamoto |
13․03․2018 |
«The Aarhus Convention» |
25.06.1998, Aarhus |
30.10.2001 |
«Convention on Biological Diversity» |
05․06․1992, Rio de Janeiro |
29.12.1993 |
Regional Conventions |
«The Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution» |
30․11․1977, Geneva |
22.05.1997 |
Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context |
25.02.1991, Espoo |
10․09․1997 |
*Protocol on the evaluation of the Convention on the ECHR |
21.05.2003, Kiev |
24.04.2011 |
Convention on Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents |
17.03.1992, Helsinki |
19.04.2000 |
«European Landscape Convention» |
20.10.2000, Florence |
01.07.2004 |
«Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats» |
19.09.1979, Bern |
01․08․2008 |