An environmental indicator is a measure, generally quantitative, that can be used to illustrate and communicate complex environmental phenomena simply, including trends and progress over time — and thus helps provide insight into the state of the environment. Indicators are designed to answer key policy questions and support all phases of environmental policymaking, from designing policy frameworks to setting targets, and from policy monitoring and evaluation to communicating to policy-makers and the public.

The indicators available on this website have been developed jointly by the European Environment Agency (EEA), European Topic Centres on Inland, Coastal and Marine waters and national experts from Armenia under the ENI SEIS II East project funded by the European Union. The set of indicators is a selection from the UNECE Environmental Indicators, while EEA indicator template and DPSIR assessment framework have been followed for the indicators’ content.


A2 – Ambient air quality in urban areas
The A2 indicator characterizes the state of the environment from the point of view of atmospheric air quality and the negative impact of pollutant concentrations on the population, the environment, vegetation and the general ecosystem.



C1 – Renewable Freshwater Resources

Renewable water resources have an expressive variable regime. Analysis of dynamics of renewable freshwater resources for 2000-2022 shows that no decrease in resources is observed.


C2 – Freshwater Abstraction 

Armenia is a country with seasonal water stresses, which is due to the possibility of minimal water demand in the country. The annual water exploitation index (WEI) occasionally exceeds 40% (65% in 2000, 2008, 2019, 2021, and in 2022 - 77% ).


C3 – Total water use 

2000-2022 during this period, the total consumption of fresh water increased more than twice: (in 2000: 1046 m3, in 2022: 2422.3 m3). Agriculture, forestry and fishing in 2022 accounted for 87% of fresh water use.


C4 – Household water use per capita 

An average Armenian citizen used 44,8 m3 of water from renewable freshwater resources in 2022 compared with 48 m3 in 2000.
Since 2009, there has been an increasing trend both in the total water supply to households and in water use per capita, due to the expansion of the public water supply system to rural areas.


C5 – Water supply industry and population connected to water supply industry 

Most of the population (95.6 %) in Armenia was connected to the water supply in 2022.


C10 – Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and concentration of ammonium in rivers

Biological oxygen demand (BOD) and ammonium concentration have increased in Armenian rivers below settlements over the period 2010-2021. The main sources of BOD and ammonium pollution are discharge of non-treated or not sufficiently treated household wastewater, which due to the lack of treatment plants is directly emitted to the rivers, and agriculture runoff.


C11 – Nutrients in Freshwater

The nutrient concentrations have increased in Armenian rivers below settlements over the period 2008 to 2017 due to emissions of untreated domestic wastewater from settlements and diffuse runoff from agriculture. The main sources of nutrients are agriculture, wastewater and storm water. When nutrients are not fully utilized by plants, they can be lost from the farm fields and negatively impact downstream water quality.


D1 – Protected Areas

The specially protected natural areas of the Republic of Armenia are ecosystems, natural complexes and individual objects representing environmental, economic, social, scientific, educational, historical-cultural, aesthetic, health, recreational value.
As of 2022, the total area of ​​the specially protected natural areas of the Republic of Armenia was 383.1 thousand. ha, which is 12.9% of the total surface of the country.
